by Tracy | Aug 1, 2019 | blog, MS Office
Word can be used in many different ways and can make business documents look very professional; all it requires is a little creativity and know-how. Hopefully, we’ll cover a little of the know-how with this blog. Many people understand the basics of using Word and can...
by Tracy | Nov 15, 2018 | Case Study, MS Office
How we helped with a Christmas card mail merge We were approached recently to see if we could help with a task that was causing a business some headaches. It wasn’t as straightforward a task as they thought it would be with the software they were using. They had a...
by Tracy | Aug 22, 2018 | Case Study, MS Office
I met a young lady at a networking event in June 2018 and she came over to chat with me after everyone had done their ‘who I am & what I do’ speech. She had a business that needed lengthy booking forms and wanted to create a database of clients. Our initial...