
Q - How did I come up with my fabulous business name?

Well, I’m fortunate to have twin nieces and two nephews. I took the first two letters from each of their names, you may notice Delacol is only 7 letters long… the youngest two share the letter O so instead of calling my business Delacool I opted for Delacol 🙂


Q - How do I spell your business name?

It’s spelt Delacol – not delcol as sometimes comes up in searches…


Q - What is conditional formatting?

It’s formatting that automatically adjusts depending on the contents of the cells in the worksheet. Check out our blog for more info on this.


Q - What would I use conditional formatting for?

Highlighting important trends in your data i.e. a rise in a stock price, a sudden spurt in colleague/employee expenses, highlight upcoming deadlines. There are many more uses, one of which is to highlight where duplicates appear in your data.


Q - What would I use freeze panes for?

This is a valuable feature when you have a data heavy worksheet and you want to be able to keep certain columns and headers in view no matter where you are in the worksheet. We have a blog that might help you further with this query.


Q - What's a hyperlink?

A hyperlink provides a simple way for you to display slides or other documentation that you have on your web site instead of them taking up valuable hard disk space. You can also send a hyperlink via email rather than sending a large document/attachment.


Q - How can I make my worksheets look more professional?

There are many ways you can make your worksheets look professional and here we list just a few:

  • Format numbers using the built in number formats
  • Horizontally or vertically align the contents of cells i.e. align left, right, centre or justify
  • Merge cells, wrap text
  • Add colour & gradient effects to cells
  • Add borders & lines
  • Use simple conditional formatting
  • Insert a sparkline into a range of cells
  • Use format painter
  • Check out our blog for further tips



Q - Is there a quick way to personalise an email to multiple contacts?

You can use a mail merge for this



Q - Is there a quick way to enter details on address labels?

A mail merge is the simplest & quickest way, you enter the tags in the locations you want, format how you want it to look on the first label & update the rest



Q - How do I shorten a file name when there's no rename option and I can't open the file?

If the option to rename isn’t there you can try clicking on the filename and pressing F2. If it says the filename/path is too long then you should look to shorten the folder name it sits in. Keep them short rather than typing long drawn out file names



Q - What's a Capacity Tracker?

It’s a way to monitor how much time you’re working/spending on specific things like admin, meetings etc. for example, if you’re a project manager working on various projects at once you may want to see how much capacity you have as to whether you can take on another project. If you’re a VA you may want to monitor the amount of time you’re working on something for each client. I have capacity trackers for one person and there’s one for up to 10 people (ideal if you have a small team).



Q - Is there an option to learn without attending in person?

There is indeed, I’ve created DIY training packs. The Excel basics, Excel refresher training, conditional formatting and VLOOKUPS are all available as digital downloads. I also have a PivotTables Masterclass which you watch as a mini-training class online. All are available 24/7, so ready when you need them…


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