I started networking regularly at the end of 2017. Through attending events I made a great friend who I often talk strategy with.
My friend was at a stage where she was ready to give up on her business as she was struggling to find customers. I told her to hang on in there a bit longer and asked her what it was she was having most problems with to see what I could do or suggest to help.

How we helped with business support

As it turned out she was struggling to get to grips with social media and didn’t see the point in LinkedIn either. I gave her some tips on how to tackle Twitter and that she should always tweet when she’s at events – mentioning people/places to grow her audience. This she grasped and started doing more frequently and was pleasantly surprised to gain followers and have people retweet and like her tweets.

I also made suggestions on where she could find her ideal customers/audience and how to target them – again she took this on with great results. She was focusing on one specific thing she could offer as her service and I told her there’s so much more she can offer and she should make that as obvious as the main service and that an easy way of doing this would be to have a leaflet overhaul where she had a tri-fold leaflet pointing out all the services she could do. She was extremely glad of this advice and changed her leaflet – which has also had great feedback from other people too.

Facebook was another area she wasn’t having much joy with. I told her about integrating with Mailchimp for sign-up emails. I also told her many times that she should do a short video. She saw a video I created and after asking how I did this and what tips I could give she promptly went off to create one herself, another thing she didn’t know how to do previously.

Further suggestions

I was asked to look at her website and I noticed she didn’t have any content other than the basics of her business. I suggested she started writing a blog to help with her SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). She took this on and started getting into the habit of posting regularly; again she got great results as people started commenting on the blog posts, from other countries as well. I also said she should check Google analytics to see how she was performing after a post.

She was extremely happy with all the tips and advice I’d given her and she even said I’d ‘injected a new lease of life into her and her business’. She’s now got at least 13 regular clients and this number is increasing all the time.

Some of the tips we give out are posted on our Facebook page here

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